With over 30 chapters and counting across the country, Acacia is constantly improving in our mission of “preparing tomorrow’s leader”. Our cutting edge membership program is designed to develop your inborn talents, giving you the tools you need to have an impact on your community after graduation. To do this, our organization brings together a diverse group of likeminded individuals and pairs them with our success proven undergraduate program to promote excellence in academics, leadership, and service.
As a collective, we are a group of engineers, entrepreneurs, politicians, businessmen and, most importantly, brothers. We are each others active resource and support for any and all challenges that college provides us. On campus, we strive to be leaders in our respective fields, service, as well as student organizations. Many professors at campuses around the country are themselves members of our fine fraternity, and a healthy network of thousands of alumni are always eager to help.
The Acacia Club was established on December 8, 1903, as a social group for any student or faculty member who had been “Raised” as a Third Degree Master Mason. Three years later, on May 18, 1906, the University of Minnesota Acacia Club officially became the 11th Chapter of Acacia International Fraternity. For almost 70 years, Acacia thrived at the University until the mid-1970’s when the Chapter closed due to lack of membership. Although a brief recolonization took place from 1983-93, the time was not yet ripe for Acacia to return.

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